RetroPie ZX Spectrum / Z80
The following instructions are used as a guide for setting up the Sinclair ZX Spectrum and Z80 in RetroPie / Emulation Station.
On Windows Device:
- Download Sinclair Roms to a temporary location... C:\SinclairRoms\RomName1.tap
- Copy Roms TAP and Z80 (C:\SinclairRoms\*) to \\RETROPIE\roms\zxspectrum\
- SELECT + START to exit emulator and return to Emulation Station.
- If ROM fails to load, Press 'A' button at launch screen to switch Emulator.
- SELECT displays on-screen keyboard.
RetroPie Atari 2600
The following instructions are used as a guide for setting up the Atari 2600 in RetroPie / Emulation Station.
On Windows Device:
- Download Atari 2600 roms to a temporary location and decompress... C:\Atari2600Roms\RomName2.a26
- Copy roms (C:\Atari2600Roms\*) to \\RETROPIE\roms\atari2600\
- SELECT + START to exit emulator and return to Emulation Station.
RetroPie Atari 7800
The following instructions are used as a guide for setting up the Atari 7800 in RetroPie / Emulation Station.
On Windows Device:
- Download Sinclair Roms to a temporary location and decompress... C:\Atari7800Roms\RomName2.a78
- Copy roms (C:\Atari7800Roms\*) to \\RETROPIE\roms\atari7800\
- SELECT + START to exit emulator and return to Emulation Station.
RetroPie Amstrad CPC
The following instructions are used as a guide for setting up the Amstrad Colour Personal Computer in RetroPie / Emulation Station.
On Windows Device:
- Download Amstrad CPC Roms to a temporary location and decompress... C:\AmstradCPCRoms\a\aRomName1.dsk
- Copy roms (C:\AmstradCPCRoms\*) to \\RETROPIE\roms\amstradcpc\, emulation station excepts subfolders for grouping of roms (i.e. a, b, c, etc).
- SELECT + START to exit emulator and return to Emulation Station.
- Keyboard Controlled.