RetroPie GameBoy Advance
The following instructions are used as a guide for setting up GameBoy Advance in RetroPie / Emulation Station.
On Windows Device:
- Download Gameboy Advance Bios (gba_bios.bin) and copy to \\RETROPIE\bios\
- Download GameBoy Advance Roms to a temporary location... C:\GBARoms\AllRoms\GBAXXXX-XXXX\GBA Roms XXXX - XXXX\XXXX - RomName (J)(Provider).zip
C:\GBARoms\AllRoms\GBAXXXX-XXXX\GBA Roms XXXX - XXXX\XXXX - RomName (E)(Provider).zip
C:\GBARoms\AllRoms\GBAXXXX-XXXX\GBA Roms XXXX - XXXX\XXXX - RomName (U)(Provider).zip
C:\GBARoms\AllRoms\GBAXXXX-XXXX\GBA Roms XXXX - XXXX\XXXX - RomName (F)(Provider).zip
- In Windows PowerShell ISE run the following command to extract English (USA & European) Titles only... Get-ChildItem "C:\GBARoms\AllRoms\*" -Recurse -Include "*(U)*", "*(E)*" | Copy-Item -Destination "C:\GBARoms\EnglishRoms\"
- Copy Roms (C:\GBARoms\EnglishRoms\*) to \\RETROPIE\roms\gba\
Reboot RaspberryPi
The following instructions are used reboot the RaspberryPi to activate changes made.
On Terminal Emulator:
- Enter the following command to reboot the RaspberryPi... sudo shutdown -r now 'Maintenance Reboot'
- SELECT + START to exit emulator and return to EmulationStation.
- If ROM fails to load, Press 'A' button at launch screen to switch GBA Emulator.
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