Python3 Encrytion / Decryption Example using Cryptography Package
Encryption / Decryption Code

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet

def generate_key():
    Generate a new encryption key.
    return Fernet.generate_key()

def encrypt_password(password, key):
    Encrypt the given password using the provided key.

        password (str): The password to be encrypted.
        key (bytes): The encryption key.

        bytes: The encrypted password.
    cipher_suite = Fernet(key)
    encrypted_password = cipher_suite.encrypt(password.encode())
    return encrypted_password

def decrypt_password(encrypted_password, key):
    Decrypt the given encrypted password using the provided key.

        encrypted_password (bytes): The encrypted password.
        key (bytes): The encryption key.

        str: The decrypted password.
    cipher_suite = Fernet(key)
    decrypted_password = cipher_suite.decrypt(encrypted_password).decode()
    return decrypted_password

def main():
    Main function to run the password encryption and decryption process.
    # Generate the encryption key
    key = generate_key()

    # Get the plain text password from the user
    plain_text_password = input("Enter the password to encrypt: ")

    # Encrypt the password
    encrypted_password = encrypt_password(plain_text_password, key)
    print("Key:               ", key)
    print("Encrypted password:", encrypted_password)

    # Decrypt the password
    decrypted_password = decrypt_password(encrypted_password, key)
    print("Decrypted password:", decrypted_password)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Example Output

Enter the password to encrypt: Pa$$w0rd123!
Key:                b'G5YLK1KdKpQZjT5p30Chd9SJ2KVc9e_7qeQ1EDufPHU='
Encrypted password: b'gAAAAABkw6rzPNKDivFJgvBMkY_07i2MI0ZOmXMw-oJgTPXzLS8p7SmJ6O7uDiL652s8AjHc5kEoL6KX3Wy-gp4cSgfdsted3g=='
Decrypted password: Pa$$w0rd123!

Process finished with exit code 0