Python3 Environment Variables Example using DOTENV Package
Populate Constants from Environment Variables Code

import os
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
from dotenv import load_dotenv

# Load environment variables from .env file

# Retrieve the decryption key and encrypted password from environment variables
DECRYPTION_KEY = bytes(os.getenv("DECRYPTION_KEY"), encoding='utf-8')
ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD = bytes(os.getenv("ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD"), encoding='utf-8')

# Create a cipher suite using the decryption key
cipher_suite = Fernet(DECRYPTION_KEY)

# Decrypt the password using the cipher suite and convert it to a string
password = cipher_suite.decrypt(ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD).decode()

# Print the decrypted password
print("Password: ", password)

.env Environment Variables File

# .env

Example Output

Decrypted password: Pa$$w0rd123!

Process finished with exit code 0